Home Forums Mighty Addons Add XK (Kosovo) to the list of countries on Display Restrictions Reply To: Add XK (Kosovo) to the list of countries on Display Restrictions

Ergon Gervalla

My IP in Kosova is

When I test it on the page above, I get:

Geolocation results for

*Region Code:
*Region Name:
*DMA Code:
*Country Name: Albania
*Country Code: AL
*In the EU?: 0
*EU VAT Rate:
*Latitude: 41
*Longitude: 20
*Radius of Accuracy (Miles): 50
*Timezone: Europe/Tirane

On our page we have allowed both Albania and Kosovo(and all other neighbouring countries) but I still can’t see the block when visiting the page from Kosova, while my client from Albania can see the block just fine.


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