Hello, I’ve found a minor visual bug in the button group widget. The first button has a margin difference when you compare it with the other buttons of the group.
I checked the source code and found that the first button has this CSS configuration: <span class=”webkit-css-property” aria-label=”CSS property name: margin”>margin</span><span class=”styles-name-value-separator”>: </span><span class=”value” aria-label=”CSS property value: calc( 30px / 2 )”>calc(</span><span class=”value”>30</span><span class=”unit”>px</span><span class=”value” aria-label=”CSS property value: calc( 30px / 2 )”> / 2 ), while the other buttons have a margin with px only instead of calc, so I managed to fix it by removing calc from the first button CSS. You can check the bug at: https://mightythemes.com/mighty-addons/widgets/button-group/. Check the “Button Stack On Desktop” example, as it is more apparent there.</span>
Although a simple CSS in Elementor can fix it, I think it would be great if that bug could be fixed by default in a future version.