I was successfully able to add a section slider to my website. The slider is working correctly when in Elementor Editor but on page preview or on the front – end the slider is not appearing. I purged cache, turned off lazy loading, turned deactivated all Elementor experiments and still no success. How can I fix this?
Please see video here: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c3hDYgVrZUk
I am using Elementor 3.6.4, WP 5.9.3, and The Gem Theme (v5.4.1).
Hello jcs0104,
We have looked into this issue and get back to you once it is resolved.
Hello jcs0104,
We have checked the issue from our side, and it seems to be working fine.
Can you please share your credential on [email protected] so we can look into this issue more clearly?
Thank you